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Social Media Management

Whether you are a start-up business or a world wide brand here at DigiWise Uk we have a plan to suit you. From the initial consultation we will understand your goals but more importantly your businesses identity so we can replicate that and build it through your social channels.

''Having a social media presence is nonnegotiable for today’s businesses. It’s a crucial part of the overall marketing strategy, helping brands increase their awareness and generate website traffic. ''

How does it work?

Consultation & Plan

Usually we will book an appointment with you, this normally takes between 30-60 mins and we run through your expectations and let you know a little more about us.
Within 24 hours you will receive a personalised strategy we have made for you. This will be a large document with lots of information so make sure you have time to make a brew!
This document will contain:
  • Strengths/weaknesses of your businesses socials
  • Quick Wins and Long Term Goals
  • Competitors anaylsis
  • Audience Analysis
  • Engagement Strategy
  • Time Frames for Targets
  • Social Audit (Your Channels)
  • Social Audit (Closest Competitor)
  • Identify Possible Influencers

Organic or Paid

Paid ads to gain quick growth? We are ready. The courses have been done for all social media platforms.. no really the courses have been done. Then the refreshers, they just keep coming with the continuous changes in algorithms across all platforms but we are ready!
Or if you prefer a more organic route to customers then that is fine too. We are more than happy in interacting with your customers day to day and building relationships that matter and being 'very social' across your socials.
Gone are the times where companies are pouring out pictures of product with the generic ‘ Buy this from us now.. Only £9.99.’ This is old school and boring. We like to frequently comment on your audiences posts, be friendly, share their posts to our story and recommend them! Build working relationships the modern way.

The Start Of Our Journey

What is most important to us is before we engage and move forward with any strategy is everyone is on the same page. Although we will be working on your social media we also want to create a great bond with you and your business too.
We do not expect any payments up front, we have our own saying for this ‘Two businesses, Two weeks, No Quibble’’. In a nutshell that means we have our initial consultation, we create our strategy plan and once you want to go ahead you get your first two weeks free. This gives you enough time to decide whether you want to move forward with us.