DigiWise UK
Chesham, Buckinghamshire

Technical SEO Is Vital

Technical SEO builds the foundations to your future online success. A vital component in your search engine optimisation journey.

Technical SEO DigiWise UK

Technical SEO is often overlooked due to it seeming unimportant..

Technical SEO - DigiWise UK

Our FREE SEO audit will crawl your whole website, it will then generate a report to give you all the intricate details you need to know. We cannot stress the importance of your technical/onpage SEO, this LITERALLY sets the foundations for your businesses future growth. 

  • Crawlability + Indexability

  • Internal Linking

  • Schema / Structured Data

  • User Experience

We will also detail all of the small but necessary jobs that needed to be complete to allow your website to score high on the SEO Chart. We aim to get all of our customers to above 90/100, which is an excellent score. We have a great little analogy for our SEO process:  When you undertake an SEO project you are trying to give your website a complete makeover because it wants to take Google out on a date. But to take Google out on a date, you need to have EVERYTHING in order as it will want to know everything about you before it makes its decision to allow this relationship to get any further!

Our Technical SEO work will also cover the following:

  1. Page titles

  2. Meta Titles & Descriptions

  3. Heading Structure & Readability

  4. Bold & Empty tag clean up

  5. ALT Attributes & Image Names

  6. URL Parameters

  7. HTML Download Time

Here at DigiWise we are extremely passionate about our SEO projects we embark on. Our previous projects we are proud of but are eager to carry on our journey of helping businesses grow online. There is nothing better than seeing our customers business thrive in today digital world.